
建设新家园? Our low rates and flexible payment terms give you a solid foundation for your dreams. Our construction loans make things simple with one loan and one closing process for both construction and mortgage.

One-Time Close Loan | One Closing, One Process, One Loan

  • 马上申请
  • 收费电话

Keep your costs down as your house goes up.

在密歇根建立一个新家? 这是令人兴奋的! After all, you get a say in everything from floor plans to paint colors. You should also get a say in your financing options. Arbor Financial offers one loan that covers both the construction phase and mortgage. One closing process translates into lower fees, less red tape and a quicker completion of your new dream home.   

立即致电: 269.544.3105 and find out what our team can do for you!




Our 建筑贷款 are built on these concepts:

  • 一次性成交费用
  • 低利率的固定利率贷款
  • Ease your cash-flow crunch by paying only interest during construction phase
  • 消除PMI可用的选项
  • Flexible financing terms from 10 to 30 years
  • Easy application process with a quick response
  • Loan serviced by Arbor Financial so you will always speak to someone local if you have questions


When you're ready to apply, here's what to consider:

You'll need documentation for all borrowers, including:

  • 社会安全号码
  • 联系方式及招聘信息
  • Best estimates of income, assets, and liabilities

Once you've applied, we'll contact you to:

  • 指导您完成贷款流程
  • 完成你的贷款申请包
  • Help you select the best program and interest rate